Tony has been helping clients buy and sell homes in Park Forest for almost two decades, and he would love to help you in your real estate journey also. Tony is from the south suburbs and knows Park Forest and the region well. Tony is a licensed real estate agent in both Illinois and Indiana, and can help you with buying and selling real estate in both states.
Buying, selling, investing, commercial real estate, new construction, & development – Tony is experienced in it all. Call Tony directly on his cell at 708-608-3000 or reach out via email at
Search for homes for sale in Park Forest Illinois direct from our MLS feed! As a Park Forest IL realtor have access to all the listed homes for sale, so reach out if you would like to take a tour of any of these properties. The property info you will find here will be as good or better than what you will find on Zillow,, Trulia, Redfin, or any of the online home search portals. Search here if you are looking to buy a house, if you are looking for new homes for sale, and also if you are interested in multifamily homes for sale.
Yes, Park Forest has a pre-sale home inspection, which the Village calls a “change of ocupancy” inspection where Village staff completes an inspection for the home being sold. A repair list is generated, and the repairs need to be completed before the home closes, or sometimes there is possibility of escrowing the value of the repairs so that the repairs can be completed after closing. You would aldso want to have your final water bill paid before closing.
The main hidden fees that most people do not know about to buy or sell a home in Park Forest are the “tranfer stamp” fees. The State of Illinois, Will and Cook Counties, and the Village of Park Forest all have a seperate trasfer stamp fee. These “transfer stamp” fees are essentially a tax upon buying or selling a home. This fee can change, but as of the date of this post, per the Illinois Realtors Association, the State of Illinois Transfer stamp fee is $0.50/$500, and the Will County Transfer Stamp fee is $0.25/$500, and the Village of Park Forest transfer stamp fee is $5.00/$1,000. These fees are customarily paid by the seller. For a $250,000 house, the total transfer stamp fees would be $1,625.00 ($250,000 * $6.50/$1,000).
The utiliity providers in Peotone are: VIllage of Peotone for Sewer and Water, NICOR for natural gas, and ComEd for electricity. Some rural properties in Peotone will not have natural gas and will have the fuel source of propane.
The utiliity providers in Park Forest are: VIllage of Park Forest for drinking water and Park Forest owns and operates the water and sewer systems, Thorn Creek Basin Sanitary District treats wastewater from Park Forest, NICOR for natural gas, and ComEd for electricity.
In the south Chicago region communities either get their drinking water from Lake Michigan, or from wells. Park Forest water comes from wells. The Village of Park Forest operates and maintains the drinking water system. Park Forest has a number of wells which pump ground water up from the ground, then the ground water is treated by a water treatement plant, and then the water is pumped into the Village water distriution system of which feeds water to your home. The Village water tastes pretty good, and can easily be made to taste much better with a reverse osmosis machine or a water filtration system such as a Berkey.
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